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> TLD/OSL > Neutron Detector Dosimeter
Can we please get your advice on this one question?
Neutrons are generally classified according to their kinetic energies and interactions.
Their common energy classifications are as follows:
dosimeter is made up of a Thermoluminescent Dosimeter (TLD) or Optically
Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dosimeter and Poly Allyl Diglycol
Carbonate dosimeter (PADC) to measure potential occupational doses from
thermal, epithermal and fast neutrons. The PADC dosimeter has a film of
poly-allyl diglycol carbonate which guarantees an accurate measurement of
the Hp(10) the personal dose equivalent to a depth of
10 mm , and Hp(0.07),
the personal dose equivalent to a depth of 0.07 mm in soft tissue caused by
neutrons, giving good approximation of the skin dose.
A Neutron Detector Dosimeter
Thermal neutrons are detected from the difference between two readings found with two identical detectors one of which is shielded by cadmium. The intermediate neutrons are estimated based on a neutron fluence spectrum which is assumed to be proportional to 1/E the range of 0.4eV to 200Ev, where E is the energy of the neutrons. Fast neutrons are associated with high intensity fields such as those in main beams near reactors and accelerators, hence fast neutrons detectors are used for monitoring radiation leaking through heavy shields enclosing reactor cores, accelerator targets and reprocessing plants, making the application in personnel monitoring limited to high exposures.
1. http://www.mi-net.co.uk/dosimeter-detector-plastic-cr39.php
3. Neutron Monitoring for Radiological Protection by J.A.B. Gibson,
4. Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, United Kingdom and E. Piesch
5.Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH, Federal Republic Of Germany ;1985. Pg 88.
Home > Radiation Protection and Quality Assurance > Radiation Physics and Biology > Measurement of Radiation > Instrumentation > TLD/OSL > Neutron Detector Dosimeter
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